Lori E. Seid… And How Was Your Day?

For You

Posted in critters, family, friends, Life, Love, New York City, Sad Reality by Lori E. Seid on 29 September 2013

my love

My Childhood Hero

Posted in Art, celebrity, Hero, Legendary, Life, New York City, Performance, women by Lori E. Seid on 26 September 2013

for as long as i can remember I have been a pop-culture hag.

i have more useless crap in my headbut it’s what i do…it’s who i am.

One of the biggest influences on my life started early – i read Liz Smith’s column everyday and yes it was gossipbut long before the nasty snarky horrible abusive crap published non stop today.

Because of Liz Smith I developed a love for show business and a curiosity for what happened behind the scene.

Last night I got to tell her  that. It made us both very happy.

les & liz smith

thank you to Katherine Copeland Anderson for taking such a fantastic photo

Memorial Day 2013

Posted in freedom, Holiday, Life, Sad Reality, USofA by Lori E. Seid on 27 May 2013

teddydown“…Memorial Day is not to be confused with Veteran’s Day.

Memorial Day is a day of remembering those who died while serving…”

Rest In Peace.

Saturday Morning Carefree

Posted in East Village, Life, New York City, Sad Reality, street, Truth, World by Lori E. Seid on 25 May 2013

Carefreeyes there is a human in there

Downtown, Uptown NY NY

Posted in Art, critters, East Village, Life, New York City, street by Lori E. Seid on 24 May 2013

hipsterfishThe outside of what use to be CBGB’s Cafe (it then became a gallery and now…?)

turtletimeEast 103rd Street, this gentleman was walking his 7 year old turtle before the rain

A Few More Moments from Monday’s March in the Village…

Posted in family, freedom, human rights, Life, New York City, queer, Sad Reality, West Village, World by Lori E. Seid on 21 May 2013


turn to the left


line up

Buster n Joe

Posted in critters, family, friends, Life, Love by Lori E. Seid on 19 May 2013

buster upclose

12 May 2013 Happy Mother’s Day

Posted in family, Holiday, Kindness, Life, Love, Mother Nature, Truth, women, World by Lori E. Seid on 12 May 2013

selmaI was always so bad about mailing the cards on time and the phone call at the right time

 Self -made Hallmark Holiday I would always say to justify my tardiness

Anyway I’m more the –

I saw this and it made me think of you so Happy Random Every Day

And even though

Selma is from that generation that needs the card on time to have something to show the neighbors

And would

Get hurt & pissed off at me, she loved and supported who I am as best she could my entire life.

And now,

She no longer really knows one day from the next

And so

Happy Random Every Day has become the fabulous way of our lives together.

But in her honor,

Of what was and still is important so she feels the love and support she always gave me

With card and flowers in hand and from deep in my heart;

Happy Mother’s Day My Dear Mom

My love for you is more than you could ever understand but I’ll always do my best for you to know it

Love, LES


Happy Mother’s Day to ALL!

Male, female, gay, straight, undefined, human or critter


We are all, in some way, in some how

A mother to somebody.

Love, Lori and Squid E. Seid

RIP- Taylor Mead; Underground Super Star / Downtown Legend

taylor-meadeThe beautiful Taylor Mead talking to Squid as he walked down E. 1st Street.

Taylor use to walk all thru the East Village feeding the ferrel cats while listening to his walkman.

RIP dear Taylor- Beloved Bohemian and Gentle Man


Posted in Art, Full Moon, Life, New York City, Sad Reality, street, Truth by Lori E. Seid on 26 April 2013


yep. it was one of those weeks. again.